DEMONSTRATIONS: Or if you just want a quick demonstration yourself, let us know!! It only takes 20 minutes! We can come to your office, community event, fundraiser program, trade show or conference to deliver an amazing before and after experience! We can also customize a presentation for your Beauty spa, Wellness Center, Yoga Studio or Hair Salon to incorporate the products into your existing lines for your customers!
PARTIES: Have the girls over your house and host a Galvanic Spa Party--it's a fun night for your friends to enjoy a complimentary face treatment and you receive hostess discounts toward your purchase of the Galvanic Spa. Just gather your group, provide dates and times that are convenient and book it with us!
This is a fantastic business to align with as it continuously pours their profits into more scientific research to stay well ahead of the curve in the anti-aging market and has no competitors offering the same products or technology..and it is a company with a heart. It promotes a Culture of people all around the world!
OPPORTUNITIES: This is a fantasic opportunity for your business or as an individual looking to improve their personal finances with very little financial committment. If you use these products, it pays for itself each month.
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